Enkoor, 7th march 2020: Also this year Arbor India, along with her three sisters societies (Jeevan Seva Society, Sthri Sakthi Society and Samaikya Seva Society), celebrated the international women's day. Arbor women, pillars of organization's programs, gathered to share moments of sisterhood and condivision.
This year the central celebration was organized in Enkoor, hosted by Good News E. M. High School: more the 1200 women were attending and more than 150 of them donated their arts, performing on the stage. Most Rev. Mairpan Paul, Bishop of Khammam, Sri Kamalraj, Z. P. Chairman of Khammam, Mrs. Varalakshmi, MPP and Mrs. Shylaja, H. G. Govt High School Enkoor honored the celebration with their presence and messages.
Women's day is the occasion to look back, make a balance, analyse the results and set new aims.
Arbor supports the role of women as peace keeper in all society levels and as major promoter of community delevopment. Arbor keeps working to empower end encourage them to act and to be socially involved and agents of change.

This year the central celebration was organized in Enkoor, hosted by Good News E. M. High School: more the 1200 women were attending and more than 150 of them donated their arts, performing on the stage. Most Rev. Mairpan Paul, Bishop of Khammam, Sri Kamalraj, Z. P. Chairman of Khammam, Mrs. Varalakshmi, MPP and Mrs. Shylaja, H. G. Govt High School Enkoor honored the celebration with their presence and messages.
Women's day is the occasion to look back, make a balance, analyse the results and set new aims.
Arbor supports the role of women as peace keeper in all society levels and as major promoter of community delevopment. Arbor keeps working to empower end encourage them to act and to be socially involved and agents of change.